26 May Corporate Aviation Security in the Age of COVID-19
SOURCE: National Business Aviation Administration
A recent article published by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) discusses the unique challenges that COVID-19 has posed to security professionals within the aviation industry.
The article states that one of the impacts of the worldwide COVD-19 pandemic has been a reduction in the “activity and staffing levels” for aviation security services due to personnel working from home or reduced hours. This has meant that “facilities, including hangars and office spaces, have fewer eyes on site, leading to increased concerns about security.” (NBAA, 2020)
According to the article, the combination of a reduction in aviation security posture and increasing civil and international unrest is a dangerous combination which leaves exploitable vulnerabilities in the aviation industry’s security posture. As the impact of COVID-19 restrictions continue to be felt on the security apparatuses of corporate aviation, such organizations must also deal with increasing threats stemming from the increasing unrest caused by the economic and social impacts of the pandemic around the world.
Within such an environment, the need for trusted aviation security solutions is easy to see. CASI provides corporate flight departments with dedicated and trusted professional security required for worldwide flight operations to help mitigate aviation security threats.
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